Influencing a better Peninsula.
We seek to maintain and attract State and Federal Government investment within our region to help build a better future for Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula. We will be bold in our advocacy goals and 'future-led' in our thinking.

As an independent, membership-based organisation, we work collaboratively with stakeholders, representatives, and policymakers to support the development of our region.

The Committee provides a forum and membership base for the leading organisations within our region who are united in our goals and advocacy objectives in promoting our region as a great place to work, live and invest.
Committee Members
Our members include leading businesses and organisations from a wide variety of sectors.
We thank our Corporate Gold Members and Community Partners for their positive contribution in the


Our Latest News

CFMP Members Event – Introducing Barnacle Studios
The Committee for Frankston & Mornington Peninsula is proud to introduce Barnacle Studios! CFMP invites members for morning tea to hear from Chisholm Institute's Michelle Crotty; and Sally Baillieu and Max Johnson from Barnacle Studios about the plans for the theatre and the creative pathways it will bring for the southern peninsula community.

CFMP + Macpherson Kelley: Why the Peninsula needs a Designated Area Migration Agreement
The Committee proudly presents a migration law briefing from Macpherson Kelley on migration law and how a Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) would significantly enhance workforce participation in the Mornington Peninsula Shire.

CFMP Year 12 Leaders Presentation Breakfast
Join Committee Members, business and industry leaders, schools and local representatives for our first annual Year 12 School Leaders Presentation Breakfast.

Frankston Activity Centre Plan Progress
Committee welcomes Frankston City progress as height limits finalised in 10 Melbourne precincts.

2025 Federal Election Priorities
Together with our key partners, including local government, the Committee has identified the region's key priorities this Federal Election.
What we do.
The Committee is the peak advocacy body for our region.
We are an independent, non-partisan, member-based organisation which works beyond partisan politics to enhance the social, economic, and environmental sustainability of our region. We work collaboratively across industry, business, not-for-profits, and local government to influence a better Peninsula.
The Committee was formed because we can and must do a better job at attracting State and Federal Government funding, policy attention and sustainable investment.
In 2023, the Committee for Greater Frankston and Committee for Mornington Peninsula merged to better
advocate for our region with a collective, united and powerful voice.
Learn More.