Smarter People; Healthy Communities
- Rosebud Hospital is severely under-resourced, and in need of a major redevelopment.
- Only 17.2% of residents have attained a Bachelor’s degree – significantly lower than State average of 24.3%.
- More than 27% of the community is over 65 years of age (15% for Metropolitan Melbourne).
- 6.2% of locals need help with a disability, and in some areas it’s more than double the average of Metropolitan Melbourne.

To promote and advocate for equitable access to first-class health and education services in our region.
- Seek Government funding and support for significant investment into TAFE and training opportunities in Rosebud and Western Port.
Advocate to Government for significant investments in local trade and job-ready training courses which provide better pathways for
students and local industry.
- Partner with and encourage leading organisations in our region to collaborate and provide transitional opportunities and apprenticeships for young people.
- Advocate for fairer funding of schools based on need, and work with government and civic leaders to improve schooling engagement.
Advocate for a major redevelopment of Rosebud Hospital.
- A major redevelopment should deliver an expanded emergency department, new operating theatres, a teaching and training precinct, inpatient wards, and contemporary medical services.
- Partner with Government and stakeholders to encourage private investment into the existing Frankston Health and Education Precincts, making them the region’s key health and allied health service destinations.