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UK Consulate Briefings & Tasting Experience

UK Consulate & Consul General Briefing & Tasting Experience

Date: Thursday, 13 April
2:30pm - 4:30pm 
Point Leo Estate, 3649 Frankston Flinders Road, Merricks

The relationship between the United Kingdom and Australia is more important than ever.

As a region, we need to attract more UK travellers to work on the Peninsula, and we can export our goods - particularly wine, spirits and distilled products - to the UK.

2:30pm – 3:15pm – Working Holiday Visas & Skilled UK Workers

This briefing will include a discussion with local industry leaders about attracting UK workers. Attendees will cover industries including tourism, hospitality, and accommodation, food and beverages - including wine, beer and spirits.

Short break.

3:30pm – 4:30pm – Exporting Wine & Spirits (Tastings will be available)

This event is a discussion with local industry leaders about exporting our goods to the UK. Attendees will come from the wine and spirits industry. 

The UK is a higher export market for business on the peninsula than our Asian neighbours, and there are opportunities for more trade between our region and the UK that would be beneficial for CfMP members to explore.

At the conclusion of the discussion, an opportunity for tastings will be possible.

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