Become a Member Become a Member

Membership LEVELS

View Membership Information here.

DIAMOND package $10,000 +gst

Suitable for larger organisations who wish to make a positive impact to the future of Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula.

Influence - Advocacy at local, state and national level. Help lead the Committee's Strategic Plan and drive advocacy objectives to help influence a better peninsula.

Priority & Parliamentary access - Early invitations to roundtable discussions with industry, community and political leaders. You'll also receive an invitation to join the Committee on its annual trips to Victorian and Federal Parliament to meet with key leaders.

Recognition - Verbal acknowledgement and sponsorship banners at every major event and VIP access to guest speakers. Priority acknowledgement on CFMP's website, social media and marketing materials, including business logo on homepage of website.

Exclusive Events - Access to Diamond, Corporate Gold and Community Partner Member-only events, including meet ups with local government.

Access - Monthly briefings with CEO on key issues and advocacy goals. 

Member Support and Networking - Receive support from CEO  and/or Board Members on members’ issues and enjoy various opportunities to build business links.

Seat at the table - Automatic membership to all policy roundtables with the CFMP board, and opportunity to attend board-only events.

Major Events Tickets - Receive a complimentary table of 10 at every major event and access to additional guest tickets.

Event Naming Rights - Have the early opportunity to  sponsor a major event and naming rights of events.

Event Sponsorship - Have the early opportunity to sponsor multiple events and advocacy initiatives 

Corporate Gold Package $7,700 +gst

Suitable for businesses that have 50+ employees.

Influence - Advocacy at local, state and national level. Add to and enhance the Committee's Strategic Plan and ongoing advocacy objectives to help influence a better peninsula.

Priority Access - Early invitations to roundtable discussions with industry, community and political leaders

Exclusive Events - Access to Corporate Gold and Community Partner Member-only events, including meet ups with local government.

Recognition - Priority acknowledgement on the CFMP's website, social media and marketing materials.

Access - quarterly briefings with CEO on key issues and advocacy programs.

Member Support and Networking - Receive support from CEO and/or Board Members on members’ issues and enjoy various opportunities to build business links.

Major Event Tickets - Receive five complimentary seats at every major event and access to additional guest tickets.

Event Sponsorship - Have the early opportunity to sponsor multiple events and advocacy initiatives 

Communications - subscription to CFMP Members only updates and network of like-minded business and civic leaders. You also receive the opportunity to access editorial opportunities in local newspapers and magazines.


Suitable for local government and public entities. Price upon application and tailored with member.

This level is tailored for public entities, local governments and authorities that wish to support the Committee as it advocates apolitically for a better future for Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula.

As key employers and long-standing community tennants in the region, these members are interested in ensuring the region has the support, planning and innovation needed to sustainably develop its economic and social prosperity for the good of all who live and work in our region.

Contribute - Ability to provide expert advice on shared advocacy goals and the Committee's strategic plan.

Influence - Advocacy at local, state and national level. Add to and enhance the Committee's Strategic Plan and ongoing advocacy objectives to help influence a better peninsula.

Connect - Invitation and participation in roundtable discussions with industry, community and political leaders.

Community Recognition - Be recognised as a key community tenant by joining the Committee. You will also receive priority acknowledgement CFMP's website, social media and marketing materials.

Exclusive Events - Access to Corporate Gold and Community Partner Member-only events

Major Events - Receive three complimentary seats at major events and access to additional guest tickets.

Briefings- One-on-one briefings with CEO on key issues and advocacy programs.

Event Sponsorship - Have the opportunity to sponsor Committee events throughout the year.

Priority Access - Early invitations to roundtable briefings with industry, community and political leaders.

Member Support and Networking - Receive support from CFMP CEO on members’ issues and enjoy various opportunities to build business links.

Corporate Package $3,300 +gst

Suitable for businesses that have 6 - 49 employees.

Influence - Advocacy at local, state and national level. Add to and enhance the Committee's Strategic Plan and ongoing advocacy objectives to help influence a better peninsula.

Priority Access - Early invitations to roundtable briefings with industry, community and political leaders.

Recognition - Priority acknowledgement on CFMP  website, social media, and marketing materials. 

Access - Yearly one-on-one briefings with CEO on key issues and advocacy programs impacting the region and your organisation.

Communications - subscription to CFMP Members only updates and network of like-minded business and civic leaders.

Member Support and Networking - Receive support from CEO and/or Board Members on members’ issues and enjoy various opportunities to build business links.

Major Event Tickets
 - Receive two complimentary seats at every major event and access to additional guest tickets.

Events - Invitation to CFMP Member-only events 

Event Sponsorship - Have the early opportunity to sponsor a major event.

Small Business Package $1,100 +gst

Suitable for businesses that have less than 6 employees.

Influence - Advocacy at local, state and national level. Add to and enhance the Committee's Strategic Plan and ongoing advocacy objectives to help influence a better peninsula.

Priority Access - Early invitations to roundtable briefings with industry, community and political leaders.

Recognition - Acknowledgement on CFMP  website, social media, and marketing materials. 

Communications - subscription to CFMP Members only updates and network of like-minded business and civic leaders.

Events - Invitation to CFMP Member-only events 

Major Event Tickets
 - Receive one complimentary seat at two major events each year and access to additional guest tickets.

Member Support and Networking - Receive support from CFMP CEO on members’ issues and enjoy various opportunities to build business links.

Not-For-Profit package $550 +gst

Suitable for not-for-profits that can receive tax deductible donations (DGR).

Influence - Advocacy at local, state and national level. Add to and enhance the Committee's Strategic Plan and ongoing advocacy objectives to help influence a better peninsula.

Access - Receive invitations to roundtable briefings with industry, community and political leaders.

Recognition - Acknowledgement on CFMP  website, social media, and marketing materials. 

Communications - subscription to CFMP Members only updates and network of like-minded business and civic leaders.

Events - Invitation to CFMP Member-only events 

Major Event Tickets
 - Receive one complimentary seat at one major event each year and access to additional guest tickets.

Member Support and Networking - Receive support from CFMP CEO on members’ issues and enjoy various opportunities to build business links.