Business Cyber Security Forum with Minister Clare O'Neil
Committee members joined Jodie Belyea MP and Frankston Business Collective in Frankston for a Business Cyber Security Forum
with Home Affairs and Cyber Security Minister, the Hon. Clare O'Neil MP.

Committee CEO Josh Sinclair, Jodie Belyea MP, Minister the Hon. Clare O'Neil MP, CEO Franktson Business Collective Bernadine
Cyber security is now at the forefront of business-thinking, and scammers and online criminals are now more active than ever before. This puts significant pressure on small-to-medium enterprises to ensure their cyber practices are up to date, sufficiently robust, and protecting client and customer data.
Themes that were raised from attendees included:
- Best practice passwords, pass phrases, and basic cyber secure housekeeping
- Support from Government with its Cyber-warden program and resilience testing
- IT providers and governments partnering up to communicate cyber secure practices and resources more effectively to businesses
- Indemnity insurance as a cyber/IT issue
For further information on how your business can be cyber-aware, visit for the latest.
Thank you to the Federal Member for Dunkley, Jodie Belyea MP, for organising this event. Thank you also to the Frankston Business Collective for helping the Committee support this forum.