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Campaign for ‘regional designation’ for the Mornington Peninsula continues.

Following the Committee for Mornington Peninsula’s presentation to the Victorian Opposition’s Shadow Cabinet, awareness and momentum is building for our case for change.

Media reporting of this key C4MP policy focus has generated further local examples where the lumping in of the Mornington Peninsula with greater Melbourne is disadvantaging local businesses and residents.

Beyond the payroll tax discounts and inability to access key ‘regional’ programs, local fruit growers and horticulturalists point to not being able offer working holiday visa holders a chance to extend their stay by helping out with the harvest in ‘regional’ areas …

After the C4MP briefing to the Shadow Cabinet, local Upper House MLC Edward O’Donohue raised the matter in State Parliament on September 12 saying:

“The magnificent Mornington Peninsula is a very important part of Victoria’s economy and a part of the lifestyle enjoyed by so many Victorians. It is clearly not part of metropolitan Melbourne and indeed at its furthest point is well over 80 kilometres from the Melbourne GPO .. (yet) … the Mornington Peninsula Shire is part of metropolitan Melbourne for funding purposes. That means the Mornington Peninsula, unlike many other parts of Victoria which are much closer to the Melbourne CBD, cannot access Regional Development Victoria funding or the other funding pools that come from being a non-metropolitan municipality”.

Mr O’Donohue urged that “the Minister for Regional Development … give consideration to making whatever changes are necessary to include the Mornington Peninsula in potential RDV funding, because that is only fair and just given the need and given the distance from Melbourne of the Mornington Peninsula”.

Thanks for the support Ed! 

C4MP is preparing a research brief and is seeking funding partners to carry out research on the comparative advantages to the region of being designated ‘regional’ or alternatively campaigning to seek the services and support other communities that are much closer to Melbourne take for granted.

Are you aware of other examples where not being designated ‘regional’ is harming your business, family or community on the Mornington Peninsula? Please let us know via

The Committee for Frankston & Mornington Peninsula is proud to introduce Barnacle Studios! CFMP invites members for morning tea to hear from Chisholm Institute's Michelle Crotty; and Sally Baillieu and Max Johnson from Barnacle Studios about the plans for the theatre and the creative pathways it will bring for the southern peninsula community.