Committee meets with Victorian Opposition Leader, John Pesutto
The Committee for Frankston & Mornington Peninsula was pleased to host Victorian Leader of the Opposition, John Pesutto this week to hear about the Opposition's priorities for our region.
In a meeting with the board of the CFMP, the Committee advocated directly to the Opposition Leader on a number of issues, including:
- The discrepancy of funding arrangements between regional Victoria and the Mornington Peninsula. It was noted that a resident in the City of Greater Geelong receives $22,823 per person on infrastructure upgrades, while it is $2,317 per person in Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula.
- Major infrastructure projects which had previously earmarked funding are now less certain due to the ongoing infrastructure review by the Federal Government. This includes $225 million allocated towards rail improvements beyond Frankston, and $75 million for the upgrade of the Jetty Road overpass in Rosebud.
- The much-needed redevelopment of Rosebud Hospital remains a key priority for the Committee.
- The upgrade of Chisholm TAFE in Rosebud to help deliver better outcomes for young people on the Southern Peninsula.
- The rezoning of port-zoned land to industrial around Hastings to help create and retain more jobs on the Peninsula.
- The lack of nuance in regional/metro grant programs where our region misses out on funding given its proximity to Melbourne despite facing regional challenges. This includes the Regional Accommodation Worker Fund which should apply in tourist destinations like Sorrento.
The Committee looks forward to continuing to work closely with the Victorian Opposition Leader and his team to help advocate for projects our region needs.
Around 45 CFMP members were in attendance at the Rye Hotel where Mr Pesutto answered questions from businesses owners, councillors, and stakeholders, including:
- Supporting the upgrade of Rosebud Hospital
- The short-stay levy
- Ongoing housing and accommodation issues on the Mornington Peninsula
- Support for small businesses
- The future development of the Port of Hastings
Forums like these provide an invaluable opportunity for community leaders and industry to speak with the highest decision-makers in the State about the opportunities and challenges we face in our region, and we were pleased to be able to facilitate this event today with Sam Groth MP.
This event comes after forums the Committee has hosted this year with Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas and Federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton.
We look forward to inviting more Senior Victorian Ministers and Shadow Ministers to Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula - including
Premier Jacinta Allan - to continue to advocate for vital investment, funding and support that our region needs.