Plan for Victoria must be a Plan for Peninsula
The Committee for Frankston & Mornington Peninsula welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Victorian Government’s new Plan for Victoria.
It comes at the same time as the release of the Committee’s Strategic Plan 2025-2030. This document sets out a bold and ambitious vision of what we believe the Mornington Peninsula can look like over the next twenty years.
Key themes and priorities are shared in both the new Plan for Victoria and our Strategic Plan, which will be outlined over the following pages of this submission.
Where Victorians are choosing to live is changing. A growing number of people are attracted to lifestyle living outside of Melbourne’s CBD and inner suburbs, particularly since the covid-19 pandemic.
This is creating further pressure on infrastructure, housing, and services in our region – and we must plan ahead to embrace these changes not be held back by them.
You can view the Committee's submission here.
Similarly, the Committee welcomes the submission from Mornington Peninsula Shire, specifically around the use of surplus port land.
MP Shire Recommendation: 16. In conjunction with the Council, the State Government should facilitate a precinct plan for land identified as surplus in the Port of Hastings strategic development plan, to provide the southern metropolitan region a large area of land for housing, industry, farming and conservation.