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Local ‘Think Tank’ survey shows that education and training on the Peninsula requires significant investment.

The Committee for Mornington Peninsula (CfMP) is currently undertaking a survey on local issues, and one of the early findings is the urgent need for improved training and education across the Peninsula. 

Committee for Mornington Peninsula Board Member, Shannon Smit said “So far we have had 191 people respond to our survey, and it is clear that many see training and education as a high priority. Of the business owners who responded to the survey 32% indicated they had difficulties securing appropriately trained employees. Quality education and training is going to be vitally important for the Mornington Peninsula in the recovery phase of COVID-19. We have the opportunity to revitalise the Mornington Peninsula workforce to be more productive and competitive and now is the time to make an investment in education and training that equips people for the jobs ahead. With the federal government announcement of the JobTrainer package the CfMP want to ensure the Mornington Peninsula gets access to the funding for vocational education and training”

Key insights of the survey in relation to education and training include:

  • An urgent need to revitalise the infrastructure and expand the offerings at the Chisholm TAFE Rosebud Campus.
  • Improved public transport to increase access to education and training.
  • The potential for a Mornington Peninsula University Campus that offers courses that students currently need to travel to Melbourne to undertake.
  • Potential to provide additional education and training offerings across the Mornington Peninsula including marine studies, boat building, marine biology, aquaculture, permaculture, viticulture, agriculture, horticulture, STEM and natural resource management.
  • The Mornington Peninsula being able to access the same incentives afforded to regional areas in regard to apprenticeships.

Shannon said “The CfMP welcome the recent announcement that Monash and Melbourne Universities are partnering to establish a world class marine and coastal research centre at Point Nepean” 


The May ABS regional jobs data that showed the region suffered one of the worst employment declines in the weeks following the pandemic ‘lock-down’ with a decline on payroll jobs of 7.9%.


“We knew that with our economy being so dependent on construction, hospitality, tourism, leisure and retail, that local employment would be impacted, but to see that one in every 12 paid positions has been lost reveals the true extent of the impact and the work ahead to recover these livelihoods, and quality education and training is going to be vitally important in achieving this. The CfMP in the coming weeks will be making contact with relevant education providers and all levels of government to advocate for an education and training platform that will assist the Mornington Peninsula in the COVID-19 recovery phase and into the future”  Shannon said.

The CfMP have Education, Regional Designation and Improved Infrastructure as three of their policy pillars. Shannon said “Currently many of our university students are unable to access the federal government relocation scholarship as most of the Mornington Peninsula is considered part of Melbourne. For students living in Rosebud going to the University of Melbourne, according to the PTV trip planner app, it can take up to four hours one way by public transport due to the inadequate public transport on the Mornington Peninsula. Our students and schools also miss out on the Victoria Governments Rural and Regional Education Reform suite of initiatives that provides more than $37 million over five years to address barriers to workforce development, increase access to learning opportunities for students and raise the aspirations of students”

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) ‘6160.0.55.001 - Weekly Payroll Jobs and Wages in Australia, Week ending 2 May 2020’ report revealed that the Mornington Peninsula is one of worst hit regions in Victoria when it comes to job losses due to COVID-19.

The data that presents changes in payroll jobs between the week ending 14 March 2020 (in the week Australia recorded its 100th confirmed COVID-19 case) and the week ending 18 April 2020 at the Statistical Area 4 (SA4) level shows that the Mornington Peninsula had a decrease of 7.9% - the third worst hit region in Victoria. Only Warrnambool and the South West (8.6%) and North West Region (8.2%) experienced greater decreases than the Mornington Peninsula. 


Get in touch: 

Candidates for the upcoming Frankston City and Mornington Peninsula Shire Local Government elections have been given the opportunity to respond to a survey from the Committee. You can view their responses at our Council Elections page of our website.

The Committee is seeking clarification from Homes Victoria that funding generated from the short-stay levy will be delivered to our region to help address the housing and accommodation crisis on the Mornington Peninsula.

Committee for Frankston & Mornington Peninsula Members are invited to celebrate a big 12 months for the Committee with drinks and canapé's on top of Frankston's newest and most luxurious apartment development, Horizon. This is a private event for Committee members only. 

Join Committee members for the Committee's 2024 Annual General Meeting at CFMP Member McClelland Sculpture Park & Gallery on 13 November. RSVP is essential.

The Committee for Frankston & Mornington Peninsula welcomes the news that the Port of Hastings is recommencing the Environmental Effects Statement (EES) process for the Victorian Renewable Energy Terminal (VRET).

Committee CEO Josh Sinclair joined Brendon Telfer on RPPFM this month to discuss the Dunkley By-election, the Committee's Future Forum, and the proposed Renewable Energy Terminal in Hastings.

Our CEO joined Ali Moore on ABC Radio Melbourne yesterday afternoon in sunny Frankston to discuss some of the major issues for locals ahead of the Dunkley by-election on Saturday, 2 March.

In February we held our first Members Breakfast of the year, where we heard from Fusion Mornington Peninsula about the critical work they're doing on the frontline in youth homelessness outreach right here in Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula.

More affordable housing for healthcare workers and better public transport access are the top priorities in Dunkley ahead of the by-election, the Committee for Frankston and Mornington Peninsula says. (Herald Sun, 1 February).

The Future Forum will provide members with an opportunity to discuss and address the changing face of Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula, and analyse the challenges and opportunities we face over the next few decades in our region.

The Committee for Frankston & Mornington Peninsula is disappointed with the Federal Government’s assessment of the proposed Victorian Renewable Energy Terminal (VRET) at the Port of Hastings.

The Committee for Frankston & Mornington Peninsula expresses its deep sadness at the tragic passing of Federal Member for Dunkley, Peta Murphy.

Join Committee members for the first Members Breakfast of 2024 where we'll be discussing youth homelessness in our region. We look forward to welcoming our not-for-profit member, Fusion Mornington Peninsula, who will be providing a presentation to members and answering questions.

A lack of affordable accommodation on the Mornington Peninsula has meant business has had to get creative when finding housing solutions for staff, particularly over the busy summer period on the Southern Peninsula.

It’s important we take a moment to reflect on how lucky we are to call Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula our home. As the warmer months return, so will the visitors – and some of them will enjoy their trips so much they’ll chose to make the Peninsula home.

CEO Josh Sinclair joined Brendon Telfer to discuss the Victorian Government's new short-stay tax, funding for housing on the Peninsula, and the Committee's Roundtable with Minister Dimopoulos.

The Committee for Frankston & Mornington Peninsula offers its congratulations to the new Premier of Victoria, Jacinta Allan. Ms Allan’s appointment as Premier offers Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula an opportunity to collaborate with the Victorian Government on a long list of major advocacy projects, and we look forward to working with the Premier and her team to help deliver a better future for our region.


Former Dunkley MP and Committee for Mornington Peninsula Founder Bruce Billson joined Members in Mornington to help relaunch the newly merged Committee for Frankston & Mornington Peninsula.

Our CEO Josh Sinclair joined Brendon Telfer on RPPFM this month to talk about the merger of Committee for Greater Frankston and Committee for Mornington Peninsula, and how the new Committee for Frankston & Mornington Peninsula will be able to more effectively advocate for our region.

Presented by NAB Business Banking Mornington, the Committee for Frankston & Mornington Peninsula invite CFMP Members to attend an afternoon briefing with NAB Senior Economist Brody Viney where Brody will share his insights and provide an update on the global, Australian, and local Frankston & Mornington Peninsula economy.

Mornington Peninsula Shire has joined the Committee for Mornington Peninsula as a community member, strengthening our collective voice as we continue to work hard and advocate for our region.   

Committee for Mornington Peninsula hosted a Shadow Ministerial Roundtable with Sam Groth MP to discuss with the Peninsula's leading tourism stakeholders about the competitive advantages and genuine challenges for our region. 

The Committee for Mornington Peninsula was pleased to take part in a discussion with Minister for Roads and Road Safety, the Hon. Melissa Horne, and representatives from the Department of Transport about Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula's road network.

The Committee for Mornington Peninsula facilitated a briefing with the UK Consul-General this week to discuss trade, export and visa arrangements under the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United Kingdom.

Committee for Mornington Peninsula is making good its aim of identifying and contacting decision-makers to help achieve its “long-term outcomes” and “strategic objectives.

Our CEO sat down with Tracee Hutchison for 'Peninsula Talks' on RPPFM - Your Peninsula Radio to discuss the Victorian Government's announcement that the Port of Hastings would be home to the Renewable Energy Terminal of Victoria.

The Committee for Mornington Peninsula met with Member for Hastings, Paul Mercurio, to discuss our shared objectives and priorities for Western Port. The Committee is seeking to work with local, state and federal government to attract major investment on the Westernport side of the Mornington Peninsula. 

Join Committee for Mornington Peninsula members for a coffee and light breakfast to meet with business leaders and discuss industry issues in our region.

Join Committee for Mornington Peninsula members for a coffee and light breakfast to meet with business leaders and discuss industry issues in our region.

The Committee for Mornington Peninsula was pleased to be able meet with Federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton and Federal Member for Flinders Zoe McKenzie to discuss the priorities for our region - including keeping jobs here on the peninsula, addressing disadvantage, and fighting for our fair share of government investment.

If there’s one thing that unites us as a community, it’s our need for health, wellbeing and education.

If there’s one thing that unites us as a community, it’s our need for health, wellbeing and education.

In the case of the Mornington Peninsula, we deserve better healthcare and education systems.

As travel and capacity limits ease, Melburnians and regional Victorians making their annual pilgrimage to the Mornington Peninsula will find that the shops and restaurants are woefully unprepared for mandatory vaccine passport check-ins.

Op-ed by Committee for Mornington Peninsula Executive Officer, Briony Hutton, published in the Herald Sun South East Leader 29 September 2021. Full article here:

Politicians of all persuasions at all levels have started talking about our upcoming COVID-Christmas.

Op-ed by Zoe McKenzie, CfMP Board member. Published by Mornington Peninsula News, 7 September 2021.

The Committee for Mornington Peninsula has written an open letter to the Victorian Premier and Chief Health Officer to request the Mornington Peninsula be urgently included in regional Victorian-level restrictions in the new roadmap to reopening.

Disappointingly, there are no recommendations for significant improvements to public transport for the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria's Infrastructure Strategy 2021- 2051 released yesterday, despite this being one of the Peninsula's most significant infrastructure deficits.

If the Mornington Peninsula is unworthy of metropolitan public transport investment in the next 30 years, according to the Victorian Government’s key infrastructure advisers, then the legitimacy of our current metropolitan classification is once again thrown into serious question.

The Committee for Mornington Peninsula is urging the Federal and Victorian Governments to provide additional financial support for communities under lockdown restrictions, including those on the Mornington Peninsula.

Yesterday’s announcement of a reinstated border between metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria means that from today, the Mornington Peninsula will once again be subjected to ongoing lockdown restrictions despite having no active cases and our last listed exposure site being 15 days old.

The Committee for Mornington Peninsula welcomes the Mornington Peninsula Shire Council’s move to investigate a possible reclassification of the Mornington Peninsula from the current metropolitan designation.

We welcome the Council’s attention to this issue to enable a collaborative solution to ultimately address the Peninsula’s economic disadvantage, which the Committee has focused on since 2019.

The Committee for Mornington Peninsula is disappointed that the Mornington Peninsula received just 0.09 per cent of the funding announced for our neighbours in greater Geelong in this year’s State Budget.

$424,000 of new funding was announced for the Mornington Peninsula whilst $463.43 million of new funding was announced for Greater Geelong, which has the same enrolled population as the Mornington Peninsula.

After extended and repeated metropolitan Melbourne lockdowns, the CfMP would have expected more support for our local businesses and public assets and services to help the Mornington Peninsula to recover, however no new funding was announced for our local hospitals, schools, TAFE, parks, roads or public transport services in this Budget.

Disappointingly, new taxes will be imposed on major employers on the Mornington Peninsula and our residential and commercial properties will be taxed at a higher rate as businesses and property owners attempt to recover from the economic impacts of COVID-19.

We remain hopeful that over the coming months, the Victorian Government will announce local funding initiatives for the Mornington Peninsula from the state-wide funding programs announced in this State Budget.

This unpredictability of government decision-making contributes to the general unease in the community about unforeseeable restrictions that could be imposed upon Victorians at any moment.

The lack of a clear and consistent approach to reopening and locking down Victorian communities erodes business and consumer confidence to plan, resulting in damaging effects to local economies, community mental health outcomes and the reputation of Victoria as the place to be.

Victorian members of the Committees for Cities and Regions are calling on the Victorian Government to actively consult with the community to develop a long-term Covid readiness plan for Victorian cities and regions.

As Victoria faces another long weekend under lockdown-style conditions, the Committees are calling for a common set of publicly available and industry-informed standards to be applied to decision-making on Covid restrictions in Victoria.

With us all the time, through all seasons and despite Covid restrictions, are Mornington Peninsula’s skilled winemakers.

Cellar door visits are always popular, and even when Covid restrictions limit opportunities to browse and taste, the product of the region’s winemakers is still available.  If we can’t go to them, they’ll come to us.

Let’s face it - a lovely Pinocchio from Crittenden Wines or a Red Fox Pinot Noir from Foxeys Hangout are just the thing to help ease the Covid blues.  

Appointment of Zoe McKenzie to Committee of Management

Appointment of Zoe McKenzie to Committee of Management

The Committee for Mornington Peninsula is excited to release our Post-COVID Plan for the Peninsula, officially launched at our Members Event on Thursday 25 March.

Based on our foundational policy pillars established in 2019, the Committee's revised Post-COVID Plan reflects emerging changes in long-term community needs due to the ongoing effects of COVID-19 on our region's economy.

This Plan will form the structure of our ongoing advocacy to government at all levels for improved investment and policy outcomes for the Mornington Peninsula.

You can view a copy of the Plan here:

Following the Premier's confirmation that if Lockdown 3 were to be extended, he would once again divide regional Victoria and metropolitan Melbourne, the Committee for Mornington Peninsula has again called for the Peninsula to be considered regional.

Read the full Herald Sun Leader article below.

COVID-19 demonstrates the need for regional designation for the Mornington Peninsula.

Yesterday's announcement that the Mornington Peninsula would be placed into lockdown, but not Geelong, is yet another example of the disparity of those who have regional designation and those that don’t.

The leadership of the regional group committed to lifting economic and social prosperity as a priority for the Mornington Peninsula has recently made key appointments.


The JobKeeper subsidy represents the largest single stimulus initiative ever offered to Australian business. A payment of $1,500 per fortnight for each eligible employee for a period of up to 6 months is a massive underwrite of the Australian economy and already hundreds of thousands of businesses have registered their interest to participate in the scheme.

Support for Our Local Businesses

We're all feeling the effects of coronavirus right now, especially with the way that we shop and pay for goods and services.
These changes are clearly taking a toll on many local small businesses, who rely on the revenue from their regular customers to pay for staff, rent and even stock.
But in what small way can we, as individuals, also help?
How can we support our favourite business while we're socially distancing?

Go online or pick up the phone

With Victoria opting to shut down non-essential services, quite a few local small businesses are adapting by offering online delivery services for the first time or by offering special deals. Please see below for some of the deals currently being offered by our members. 

Blue Mini 
Blue Mini is currently open 7am - 2pm for take away coffee and take away meals. There is also a 'mini mart' for basic essentials like milk, eggs, toilet paper, pasta, coffee beans etc (subject to availability). We are encouraging people to call ahead (5981 2520) for easy payment to grab and go. 

Crittenden Wines 
Because we've got to keep moving- our knowledgable, friendly and talented staff are making guaranteed next day wine delivery around the Mornington Peninsula with our 15% off and free delivery offer.  If your not local, you can still access free delivery, but it will be with Aus Post instead. Use our special code: DELIVERMEWINE when ordering six or more bottles to apply the offer. 

Foxey's Hangout
Usually the Foxey van delivers wine to Peninsula restaurants. In these interesting times, its delivering wine (and food!) to Peninsula residents. For free ( and contact free) same-day delivery, give us a call (03) 5989 2022. We will take your order and card details and drop outside your door. All we need is a minimum half-dozen order  (tell us if you want it chilled). If you would like some Mother Mary Bakes Bread of other Foxey food well bring that too, just ask. 

Green Olive at Red Hill
Even though you can’t come to the farm at the moment, that doesn’t mean that the farm can’t come to you! We are having a huge sale on our body products with some items selling for more than 50% off their RRP and free shipping on all body product purchases over $50! We are also offering free delivery to your door when you purchase a pack of 12 wines! Simply write which wines you’d like in the comments at checkout and wait for the wine to be delivered to your doorstep!

Shop our body products here: Visit Website

Shop our 12 packs of wine here: Visit Website

Martha's Table 
Enjoy quality dining at home without the hassle. Please call us on (03) 9617 5371 or place your order here. Visit Website
FREE delivery over $49 purchase. All of your favourite in one place

Martha's Table Grocer and Cellar is open 8am - 8pm daily.  Martha's Table Grocer and Cellar will continue to be open to provide you with every day essentials such as grocery products, ready to eat meals, sandwiches, pizzas, take away coffee, wine, beer and non alcoholic beverages. 

Mornington Mazda 
Visit Website

Visit Website

Peninsula Gas and Fuel 
Home delivery service of bbq cylinders - Next business day delivery on 9kg $25.00 & 4kg $20.00 to anywhere across the Mornington Peninsula. 

Also we have a petrol station that offers driveway service in the Rosebud Business Estate, Colchester Road

Pt Leo Estate
Our Cellar Door is open for all take-away wine purchases and take-away coffee only
7 days from 11am - 5pm
Visit Website

*This discount cannot be used in conjunction with the Wine Club discount or with any other offer

Raising Boys with Steve Biddulph

Come and hear Steve's world famous talk, covering boys of all ages. How to raise sons who are kind, confident, and safe, boys and school, the importance of dads, what single mums can do, testosterone, the 3 stages of boyhood and how to have them go smoothly, boys and housework. This life-changing seminar is unforgettably moving and funny too. 
Toorak College in collaboration with the Committee for Mornington Peninsula and the Mornington Peninsula Foundation proudly present Steven Biddulph. 

Wednesday 4th March 2020, 7:00pm.
Mary Herring Hall, Toorak College, Mount Eliza VIC 3930
Tickets available via the book now button below
Adults $32 and Concession $25
For Concession tickets, please use the discount code "concession" below.

NB: We regretfully advise the presenter has requested that babies, including newborns, child and teens not be admitted to the session.

Raising Girls with Steve Biddulph
Covering girls of all ages, this powerful, funny and moving talk will help you raise your daughters to be wise, warm, and strong. The five stages of girlhood, the importance of dad, the special role of aunties & how to avoid her growing up too fast. Steve Biddulph is one of the world's best loved parenting speakers and authors. 
Toorak College in collaboration with the Committee for Mornington Peninsula and the Mornington Peninsula Foundation proudly present Steven Biddulph. 

Tuesday 3rd March 2020, 7:00pm.
Mary Herring Hall, Toorak College, Mount Eliza VIC 3930

Tickets available via the book now button below
Adults $32 and Concession $25
For Concession tickets, please use the discount code "concession" below.

NB: We regretfully advise the presenter has requested that babies, including newborns, child and teens not be admitted to the session. 

Committee for Mornington Peninsula

Member Breakfast Briefing

‘Surplus to requirement’ Special Use Port-Related industrial land rezoning

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Martha’s Table at Martha Cove

7:30am - 9.30am

Hear about the recently released Port of Hastings review of the 3,500 ha of land zoned for future port development, parcels identified as ‘surplus’ to any conceivable future requirement and C4MP’s advocacy for the land to become available to meet the need for current and future employment-generating development.

Malcolm Greier, CEO Port of Hastings
Brian Haratsis, Chairman, Macroplan

Contribute to C4MP’s research and initial advocacy focus of rezone the ‘surplus’ Port-related land to the east of Somerville to a high-value technology precinct with marine industries as a cornerstone

RSVP by Monday, November 25 please to assist with event preparations.

MP Shire urged to make ‘Small Business Friendly Council’ commitment

The Committee for Mornington Peninsula (C4MP) is urging the local Shire to follow the lead of other Victorian local governments and commit to becoming a ‘Small Business Friendly Council’.

C4MP is hosting a luncheon on October 28 at the Mornington Racing Club, where the Victorian Small Business Commissioner (VSBC), Judy O'Connell, will outline the assistance her Office can provide local businesses, the advantages a ‘Small Business Friendly Council’ can bring and example of innovative approaches local government’s are deploying to support their business community.

Ms O'Connell address will include:

* The role and small business resource that is the Victorian Small Business Commissioner
* An Overview of the "Small Business-Friendly Council" initiative (and the process to support Council's living up to their Charter commitments)
*Why Council's have chosen to participate and practial examples of local government initiatives to support small business

Tickets available via the book now button below 
Members $75 and Non-Members $85
Ticket price includes 2 course luncheon and drinks at bar prices 

Following the Committee for Mornington Peninsula’s presentation to the Victorian Opposition’s Shadow Cabinet, awareness and momentum is building for our case for change.

Media reporting of this key C4MP policy focus has generated further local examples where the lumping in of the Mornington Peninsula with greater Melbourne is disadvantaging local businesses and residents.